Bruce literally wrote the book on roadmapping: Product Roadmapping Relaunched. He’s also led great talks, masterclasses, workshops, and Q&A sessions with BoS over the years.
One consistent theme – there are clear processes to develop product roadmaps or any other strategic plans, but people get in the way.
In this breakout at BoS Conf Online Fall, Bruce will lead an open conversation to help you develop, negotiate, and communicate about any strategic initiative or plan so that you can manage your various stakeholders more effectively.
Bruce has plenty of stories to share, but we want you to come with some of the challenges you’re facing in your org now. They will not be unique! He will help you unblock and leave with some clear next steps to make progress.
You will learn:
How to understand your audience and anticipate their most important questions
How to gather input without giving away decision rights
How to tell the difference between consensus and alignment (hint: one of these is impossible)
How to conduct stakeholder interviews
and so much more!