ONE THING on Halloween Scary OKRs Stories

At my OKRs Product Team Workshop last week, we began by writing OKRs Scary Stories. Here is one, perfectly timed for Halloween

"Late one night, I had a vague suspicion that something wasn’t right. Then I saw the floating specter emerge from the mist: unclear goals!

[insert evil laughter...]

In the struggle to create something ambitious and achievable, I had created the ultimate monster, somethings so unclear that it had become a haunting specter. It stalked me at work the next day. Would it be achieved to the satisfaction of my management? Could I add definition now that more was known?...Or would it haunts me until next fiscal year?"

That blood-curdling story was composed by Lindsey Cornwell, Senior Product Manager at American Well. What product problems give you nightmares? Tell me a creepy story.

I'm scheduling my online workshops for the next few months. Want an online course convenient to your time zone? Roadmaps? OKRs? Something else? Ping me.