ONE THING on How to Estimate

Engineers are rightfully afraid of providing estimates for things they don’t know enough about. If they’ve been around the block, they’ve probably been burned by a wild-ass guess that turned into a commitment to a date when someone in management got hold of it.

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ONE THING on When to Compromise on Quality

Is it ever OK to compromise on quality? Surprisingly, yes.

If you know your product will be used by millions with minimal changes and refinements, it makes sense to invest up front. But what if your product is a new and untried idea? What if you might have to iterate several times to arrive at the optimal fit between the product and what the market needs? 

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ONE THING on Brilliant Bosses

The best boss I ever had trusted me with everything. He taught me everything about product culture by giving me the mission and letting me loose to figure out what was necessary for myself. John Wang went on to become CMO of HTC and Chairman of Noodoe. Thanks, John.

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ONE THING on Growing Product Culture

Product culture is spreading. 

  • The idea that making people awesome is at the center of success; 

  • The idea that we should put all of our effort to build, test, and learn into achieving that outcome sustainably; 

  • The idea that we need to entrust small, diverse teams with that effort and hold them accountable;

...these ideas are accelerating.

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