ONE THING on Boss Types

What kind of decision-maker is your boss? other stakeholders? your teenager? Once you have a good sense for how they make decisions, you will be better equipped to deal with challenges that come up in the decision-making process. Some types:

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Dominance: Wants a quick answer to act on

  • Influence: Wants to do the right thing

  • Steadiness: Wants what’s best for everyone

  • Conscientiousness: Wants an optimal answer

We go into decision-making, its types, and how to interact to them in Aligned: Stakeholder Management for Product Leaders, Chapter 2, People.

Stop being too Nice!
Product Culture coach Phil Hornby is on my friend Shobhit Chugh’s Intentional Product Manager podcast. Topic: Why being too nice could be your leadership blind spot. You can book a virtual coaching session with Phil here.


UKG has a Senior Product Manager position open, hybrid in Boston. New team focused on launching new product experiences. Some other positions in other parts of the company. Interested? Ping me.

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